UX / UI Design by William Friedewald

 Portfolio Samples From Enterprise, Web, and Mobile Application Production

My work history began with interactive design for a medium sized digital advertising agency producing proprietary interactive B2B point of sale products for large industry clients including Boeing, Cadillac, and MCI. Not long after, I engaged in UX / UI design work for Apple designing and building concept prototypes for their initial browser RnD program. This overlapped with interactive level design work for real-time 3D game development at companies like Konami and Electronic Arts. From there, I worked for a myriad of startups and established companies handling UX research and design projects ground-up as well as re-designs for improvement of preexisting products and systems. Some of which included the philanthropic sector with The Rockefeller Foundation (working with internal IT and grant processing operations), financial technology design for big data application development at American Express, online healthcare and insurance related applications, eCommerce, and financial mobile application design for a number of independent clients. The sum of which provided a variety of contexts for applied agile UX design to different developer cultures, development methods, and production philosophies.

Project Sample Contents

Web Application


UX Research & Design

Mobile Design

Tablet Design

Industrial Applications

API Dev Utility

Web App & Brand Integration

More on UX Development

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Consumer Web Application Design – Media Lifestyle & Entertainment Experience
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See the below UX steps adapted and implemented throughout a variety of UX design project samples shown within this site. Thank you for visiting:

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Stakeholders Meet
Field Study

Contextual Inquiry

Pain Points Assessment
Empathy Capture
Use Case Capture
Synthesis / Synthesizing


Affinity Map
MVP Strategy
Persona Definitions


User Flow
Journey Mapping
User Stories


Lo-Fi Sketches
Mid-Fi Design
Usability Testing

Comprehensive Analysis & Approvals

Business Use Case & Justification
Competitive Analysis
Branding and Presentation
Executive Communications & Approvals


Hi-Fi Design
Hi-Fi Testing
Delivery & Product Integration
User Acceptance

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UX Research & Design Project – Enterprise Level Process Sample

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In one UX application design project, I was assigned to produce a single sign-on web access portal for clients to access their health care, life insurance, pension, retirement plans, and financial investment portfolios. Business justified enterprise-wide, this was a front to back end re-engineering of an active set of systems reaching a client base of over 44k active users. After meetings with primary stakeholders, I began 1st phase discovery via research, surveying, and case studying while setting up contextual inquiries. Through research, interviews, and direct observation, I began collecting affinity and user empathy relevant data for establishing initial personas, touch points, and pain points and got to work mapping out preliminary steps towards persona definitions and user journeys.

Biographical Information, Frustrations, Interaction & Touch Points, Goal Targets, and Motivations

Inviting select colleagues as collaborators, I was able to observe how confusing and slow the current portal systems were to an assembled focus group of client users and how much help was required from client services and customer support. With planned campaigns in the pipeline, this would stand to overload the company’s client engagement force and vastly effect enterprise wide reputation. Use cases and persona data including standard demographic and ethnographic data combined into what later refined persona definition and preliminary concept synthesis.

Charting of results and the tracking of insights followed through affinity mapping and analysis, I quickly arrived at high level journey map points and started prioritizing initial noted channels, touch points, pain points and intended use cases. I then met with relevant stakeholders to present updates and begin collaborative discussions. I noted primary shared responses, pain points, and empathy factors focusing on inconsistent log-in requirements across portals while attempting to access services. Also, issues with the complexity of account creation, lack of clear instructional guidance, and presentation of information apparently not compatible with a significant number of test users.

This lead to preliminary resources allotment discussions in preparation of more extensive feature set updates and development processing. Production options for project management and developer planning began to take shape. Ideation began by continuing the mapping out of user journeys along the user stories indicating how user flows and technical process flows could facilitate touch points and navigation as needed.

Personas and User Journey Mapping

It became clear, not only would account access points and online instructional guidance require updates and redesign, but bringing accessibility to 6 separate business unit accounts under one site with a simplified login process and a comprehensive display could vastly address the client user issues -globally. This would require not only a new single sign-on experience design, but a comprehensive central presentation of information detailing these accounts on a single web page. Consequently, the project mandate focused further, guiding stakeholder discussion and deeper discovery through white boarding and low-fidelity sketches. These were, in turn, further discussed and refined to mid-fidelity for preliminary usability testing.

Capture of low to mid-fidelity mock-up print used in early heuristic testing for modular display concept (board combining primary touch-points data into single view from all diverse services)

I was then able to survey and capture specific empathy impressions and feed-back per touch points to inform design refinements.

Then, after consulting with account management, System Admins, and IT department heads, it was confirmed that an individual client # was already assigned and owned by each user that could be used as universal authentication ID. This client ID # could then be used to enable a more simplified login procedure and account verification (per end-user profile) as well as allow fewer steps for online account creation. This would also maintain compliance requirements with all business units including financial data security and HIPAA privacy standards.

In tandem, I was able to test a modular approach to presenting the client service’s data (i.e. Health Care, Pension, Retirement Savings, Annuities, Disability, and Life Insurance plans) into separated sub-groups ordered corresponding to user profile, case, and taxonomy. These would also populate according to the specific user’s portfolio of available services.

This lead to drafting further refined mock-ups (high fidelity) and a set of NFCM preliminary prototypes (non-functional clickable models), used for general and specific heuristic testing of application UI navigation, attempted touch points, efficiency of access, emotional impression response, data and information presentation, color theme, and corporate branding compliance. Testing also enabled agile prototyping of additional improvement concepts, discovered relevant to specific user groups, including an admin-user toggle bar, instructional sign-in tours, and a series of user help video guides.

Mock-up – Also Used With NFCM Prototype (Click to View)

In tandem, I ran comprehensive and competitive analysis including research based off synthesized concepts, leveraging preexisting best practices where applicable. On this project, confirming patent compliance was not an issue, but confirming industry standards and ensuring data security compliance per personal finance and health care information access, was. Therefore, an approval review through the cybersecurity and the legal department was also performed to confirm protocols.

This lead to documentation and phase reporting results, insights, and assessments through the formalized enterprise wide ECM system -including mid-fi to hi-fi designs for internal circulation and final approvals. As part of the scale and transparency of the project, this followed our defined raci chart of responsible and consulting stakeholders, department heads, and production staff leadership. I then followed with comprehensive hi-fidelty mock-ups and a final NFCM leading to a functional MVP (minimum viable product) prototype accessing the network servers using staged “dummy” data to run comprehensive usability testing. This was then followed by delivery of the documented UX guidelines already informing functional requirements in phase with the technical development teams planning. Then on-call scrum support continuing the agile SDLC development process through regression testing, change management, deployment, final stage User Acceptance Testing, and all closing phases.

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Mobile Application Design – Virtual Payment Management

Product Design  – Mobile Financial Application UX Project
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Application Function Flow Diagram B – High-Level Use flow

Application Function Wire frame Close-up – Mobile Payment Management System Integration [Wire Frame also used in patent pending record]

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Mobile Payment Management – Application Design & System Integration

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Application Design – Financial Industry Intelligence Management
– Mobile Dashboard Theme

Product Design – Financial Industry Intelligence Management
– Mobile Tablet Dashboard Theme – Features / UI / Wire Frames / Low to Mid-Fidelity Detail

Financial Industry Product Design – Intelligence Management – Mobile Dashboard Theme
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UX / UI Application Designs – Data Request & Governance Work Flows, Dashboards, and Dynamic Data Visualization
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Proof of Concept Automated Insurance Quote Generator Design

NFCM prototype produced in InVision

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